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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-02-24Nature of MathematicsSabhapandit, Bandana
2025-02-24Mathematical languageSabhapandit, Bandana
2025-02-24*भाषा के चार प्रमुख कौशल:-*Majumder, Bisita
2025-02-24*भाषा एवं भाषा की ववशेषताएं।Majumder, Bisita
2025-02-24*भाषा और साहित्य का संबंध*Majumder, Bisita
2025-02-24Concept and importance of assessment and evaluation in GeographyKonwar, Rijumoni
2025-02-24The importance of Methods in the teaching of GeographyDevi, Mitali
2025-02-24Development of Human Brotherhood and International understanding through the teaching of GeographyDevi, Mitali
2024-07-19Meaning, Needs and Benefits of Language Across Curriculum (LAC)Nagaon, college of Education
2024-07-19Environmental Education for sustainable DevelopmentKonwar, Riju Moni
2024-07-19Environmental EthicsKonwar, Riju Moni
2024-07-18Man And Environment RelationshipKonwar, Riju Moni
2024-07-18The teaching of Geography in Secondary Schools in IndiaKonwar, Riju Moni
2024-07-15Objective of teaching englishDe, Mitali
2024-07-15Plosive Sounds in EnglishDevi, Mitali
2024-07-01Meaning, Needs and Benefits of Language Across Curriculum (LAC)ollege of Education, Nagaon
2024-07-01Educational values of MathematicsSabhapandit, Bandana
2024-06-01New trends in curriculum PlanningBorah, Poojashri
2024-06-01Methods of curriculum constructionBorah, Poojashri
2024-07-01Patterns of curriculum organizationBorah, Poojashri
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33